I've just upgraded to the latest version, but when I use it, it's still the previous version. What's wrong?
Because Explorer loads this program, and Explorer is the Windows shell application, even though you have uninstalled, Explorer may still have
a copy loaded in its memory. Consequently, when you install the new version and try to use it, Explorer uses the old version.
If you log off, and back on again, this closes Explorer and ensures that you will be using the up-to-date installed version.
I've installed the latest version and I notice that I now have 2 ExpPrint items listed in the Add/Remove
Programs list.
The installation for ExpPrint V1.6 (and later) doesn't use the same name as the prior installation. Consequently
if you've installed V1.6+ over an earlier version, the entry in the Add/Remove Programs list for the earlier versions is left behind.
If you want to remove the old item and the old files associated with it, select the "JD DesignExpPrint (Remove Only)" item and remove it. When that's completed, select the new it1em "ExpPrint"
and repair that item. For Windows 9x, choose the Add/Remove button and then the repair option. For Windows 2000/XP use the "Change" button
to run the repair option.
ExpPrint+ (V3) Known Issues.
There appears to be a bug in the Microsoft .NET Framework when sorting in some locales. When using the "DetailedTable" format and sorting
on Size, you may get an error mentioning:
Value of flags is invalid
Parameter name: str.
Hopefully Microsoft will release an update to fix this issue (so ensure that you download any Microsoft updates for the .NET Framework), but
it can be worked around currently by modifying the ProcessFilesAndDirs.xsl file and using an alternate sort option that specifies an English sorting
Of course this will force English locale sorting rather that in your specific locale, so it's not an ideal solution.
When I change the settings they don't update in the browser.
The view of the listing shown in the browser is not directly linked to the settings page. You have to change the settings, then press the Next
button to regenerate the HTML view.
When I click on the Next button from the ExpPrint Viewer I get an Unhandled exception.
It's likely that the association for HTML Documents (.htm files) on your computer is incomplete or corrupt.
If you're using Windows XP try this first:
Using Windows Explorer, use the Tools, Folder Options menu, and click on the File Types tab.
When the list has populated, find and select the HTM extension.
In the pane below, if the "Opens with" doesn't refer to your browser, click Change, select your browser application and check
the box below that says “Always use the selected program to open this kind of file”.
IIf you're using Windows Vista, try this first:
Using Windows Explorer, select a HTML file (with an extension of .htm).
Right click it and choose Properties.
In the General tab, if the "Opens with" doesn't indicate your Internet browser application, click Change and reset it to your
browser application.
If the above methods don't work for you, try performing a repair installation (or remove & reinstall) of your Internet browser.
If you don't believe the issue is to do with your web browser's HTM file association, or have some other exception, see the following information
on reporting exceptions to us.
When I click on the Next button from the ExpPrint Viewer, I get a message indicating a problem with the .xplisting file
You might see a message box appear with text like this:
C:\PathToYourDocuments\ExpPrint Listing.xplisting Line
xxxxx, column yy.
The required attribute
'System.ItemPathDisplay' is missing.
*** Please
report this problem to us by email. ***
ExpPrint will
now try to load the file without checking it.
This indicates that a mandatory property (the attribute
name) isn't present in a particular item in the listing file
- for some reason! Please do report it to us so that we can
investigate the cause.
This specific situation arose when
processing the contents of a .cab file (a compressed file
similar to a zip file) which had a very long name. In
investigating the problem, it was found that if the .cab
file were renamed to be a much shorter name, the issue didn't arise. Since ExpPrint
mostly doesn't deal with path lengths, I presumably some internal
path length inside Windows code for dealing with compressed
files was exceeded.
How can I get an ExpPrint Listing into another application such as Microsoft Excel?
Once you have the listing shown in your browser:
Select all the document
Copy it to the clipboard
Switch to the application
Here's a demonstration video (best viewed full screen in HD):
Can I list a tag/property that ExpPrint doesn't currently handle?
Yes, if Windows Explorer can show you the property, then you should be able to get it listed with ExpPrint.
Here's an example, albeit one that's no longer necessary since the latest version of ExpPrint now has embedded support for this property,
but the general principal is the same for all properties.
Check that ExpPrint can capture the property you want listing
Select one of the files that have the property you want to list. In this case it was a PowerPoint document. Right click the file
and invoke ExpPrint.
In the Additional Settings dialog, enable the “Use best effort…” setting. This is probably not necessary, but
do it just to be sure that ExpPrint will get all possible properties.
Create the listing.
When the ExpPrint Viewer appears, copy the full path of the .xplisting file to the clipboard.
Open your favourite plain text (Notepad, or programming editor) and open the .xplisting file in it.
Search in that file for evidence of the property you want. The slide count property was there as: System.Document.SlideCount="2"
You now know that the property is named “System.Document.SlideCount”. Make a note of the property name as you’ll need
to know it later.
If the property isn’t obvious by its name, see if you can discover it from the value you're expecting.
Now you know the property is available, you need to modify a couple of ExpPrint files to get it listed
Switch back to the ExpPrint Viewer and press Next to get to the Detailed Table Options dialog.
Choose the columns and other options that you want to use, then use “Save Settings” and save the settings. Make a note
of the full path to the setting file (which has the extension .dt_setting2).
Open that setting file using your favourite text/programming editor (Notepad will suffice). I think you’ll quickly see
the list of column settings.
Add a new column for your required property. For the PowerPoint slide count, the additional line is: <columnattrname="System.Document.SlideCount"caption="# Slides"enabled="true"
Use whatever text you want to see for the "caption" attribute.
Save the modified settings file in the same directory as the original (ensure the editor doesn’t alter the file extension,
it has to be .dt_setting2).
Close the Detailed Table Option dialog, then re-open it and choose your settings file in the drop list.
Generate your listing and you should now see your additional column with its value listed like this:
You’re nearly there now; you just need to edit another file to format the value appropriately
Because the file you’re going to edit resides under the Program Files directory, you’ll need to run your text/programming
editor with full Administrator permissions so that you can modify a file from that location. Right click your editor application and use “Run as administrator”.
Using your text editor’s File, Open dialog, navigate to the JD Design\ExpPrint\Plugins directory under your Program Files
directory. For 32-bit Windows, it’s probably here: C:\Program Files\JD Design\ExpPrint\Plugins.
Open the CommonTableCellOutput.xsl file (or the CSV variant if you’re generating CSV rather than HTML).
Find the part in the file that starts with this comment line: <!--All the common text (and plain number) attributes-->
Below that is a list of the properties that are plain text or simple numeric. You need to add a new one for your property. For this
example, to add the slide count, add the following line to those other attributes in that group: @System.Document.SlideCount |
The file will now look something like this: <!--All the common text (and plain number) attributes-->
<xsl:template match="@System.ItemTypeText | @System.FileOwner | @System.Document.SlideCount |
@System.Company | @System.FileVersion | @System.ItemFolderPathDisplay |
Now, save the xsl file.
Switch back to the Detailed Table Options dialog and close it, then go back into it and choose your settings file.
When you regenerate the listing, your property (the slide count column in this example) should show correctly.
(ExpPrint classic mode) Why don't I get anything printed except the header and footer?
When using ExpPrint's classic mode, this can happen if you've got inappropriate sizes configured for the column widths. Many people assume
the column width settings are the number of characters whereas they're either inches or millimetres (depending on your Windows regional settings).
This can also occur if you've selected a folder to print, but don't have the "Files in Sub-Directories" check box set.
(ExpPrint classic mode) ExpPrint's printed file name doesn't match what I see with Explorer Windows
Explorer adjusts its displayed file names so that you don't normally see all upper case file names. ExpPrint
does not duplicate this behaviour, therefore you may see cosmetic differences in upper/lower case naming. Also, when ExpPrint
uses the "Print Full Path Name" setting, it obtains the displayed name by an alternative method, so you may see some differences with
this setting too. You can verify the correct name of a file by using the DIR command from an MS-DOS prompt under Windows. Internet Explorer 4 has
a setting that disables Explorer's upper case file hiding - see the View, Folder Options dialog, View tab, Allow all uppercase names, check
(ExpPrint classic mode) When I print from ExpPrint, the text output is garbled in some way, or the printout
doesn't complete
Under Windows XP (and 2000, NT4) ExpPrint prints Unicode text. Some printer drivers have had problems with this.
Check on your manufacturer's web site to see if they have an updated printer driver available for your printer. If they're still supporting
your printer it's likely that they have an updated driver that will resolve the problem. If they don't have an updated driver, try changing
the printer setting that alters how TrueType fonts are printed.